
Just Another Boring Day

It was a beautiful late summer day in Brooklyn. The sun was shining, it was 80 degrees with no humidity, a perfect day for a nap in the sun.

If only my day we're that easy. Four horrible words words - last minute school shopping! Why did I wait so long?

Procrastination is not a normal habit for me, but this year I put everything off and was in the mall and in staples like every other crazed parent out there. Oh the lines and the attitudes. Thankfully I only have to shop for my son. Thanks to today's experience I will start my christmas shopping next week - online!

My son showed his father my post about him - the loser post - he was none too happy...and life goes on. He feels i'm being evil and I am unfairly ridiculing him. He has left himself open to that ridicule and I believe that I am being treated unfairly by him when I have to sit up wondering where he is. If he answered his cell when I called we wouldn't have this problem.

So - until he makes a decision to make a few positive changes in his life - I feel I am free to to post pictures of his drunken ass all over the internet.

He's lucky it wasn't a video! That may be coming soon. hehehehe ;-)


Creative Commons License

Learned about the Creative Commons License today from Cat, my daughter in the Graphic Arts field. It basically states that nothing on my blog can be used for profit and I must be given credit if it is being used fro non-profit or by students - not that I expect anyone to want anything I have here, my stuff is mediocre at best - but just in case!

A big Thank You!!! to the brilliant minds to Creative Commons for helping me protect my mediocre stuff!

Here's a link to their site if you're interested... http://creativecommons.org/

Protect your work!

Today was a good day...

It wasn't that anything fabulous happened today, it was just a quiet , uneventful day. I did some shopping with my mom, completed some chores, made dinner and spent time with my family... I guess that is what made it such a good day.

Two of my kids are adults in their early 20's and my son is 16. With their school and social schedules and everything else that keeps them occupied, I don't get to spend family time with everyone together anymore. I have learned to cherish those times, and today was one of them. Again, nothing special, just sitting around chatting, poking fun at each other, regular family stuff. But as a mom seeing her kids moving away into their own worlds, I have learned to appreciate these times and be very thankful for them.


Soy un perdedor - I'm a loser baby!

Here's the loser!!

Who knows what time her came in this morning - but I know that he had a 7:30am appointment for work and didn't wake up out of his drunken stupor until after 9am. Nice huh? I was up at 6am - could have gotten him up - but... why?!

I am tired of being his caretaker - making excuses for him - waking him for work - organizing him. I have been an enabler - no more. He's on his own.

Waiting in Vain

As a little girl my view of marriage was idealized. My parents and family did their best to portray happiness even when things we're bad. I was also raised with fairy tales of the princess marrying the prince and living happily ever after....

Yep - you guessed it - It was a rude awaking!

I married a man who, like all of us, came from a dysfunctional home. His parents divorced and it left it's mark on he and his brothers. He was also raised in a very, very strict Seventh Day Adventist home. His childhood left scars that I am dealing with today.

My husband is an alcoholic. Plain and simple. He's not the abusive type -or I would have been gone. He loves being social and drinking as much as he can as quickly as he can. He used to work as a bouncer in a lot of the trendy spots and knows a lot of the bartenders. This means free drinks for him. I cannot begin to tell you how many nights I have spent exactly like this - waiting to see when he will drag himself through the door.

I have tried to be the supportive wife - understanding - offering his any support he needs if he would only get help - hmmmm - still waiting. He doesn't do this all the time - he goes on benders. he'll be straight as as arrow for a month or two - then the itch starts and he's got a week or two of late nights and alcohol.

I have chosen to live this way because it was simpler than trying to raise 3 kids by myself. My children are now older -my youngest is 16- and I can't deal with this immature behavior anymore. This last bender he has been on is lasting for quite a while. I am beginning to believe that he is cheating and I trust my instincts. It's time to make some tough decisions - after 23 years of marriage do I really still want to live with a man who refuses to grow up?

So until I make a decision I will sit and wait in vain for him to become a man.


Summertime in Brooklyn

Coney Island and Nathan's hot dogs...what could be better?!

40 Year Old Virgin!

Popping my blog cherry!!

Been meaning to try my hand at this for a while but it's intimidated me. I used to keep journals - tons of 'em when I was younger - it was easy -I had a book that I wrote in and hid from my mum and sisters.

My thoughts we're my own - private - this is a bit different, isn't it? The whole process of setting up your blog, finding a name, a log name a URL name. All very foreign. And that anyone can have access to your thoughts! Quite scary! Do I really have anything that interesting to say?

But here I sit alone and typing.
Popping my cherry.
Hoping to become a "Blog Whore!"
Hoping to learn about myself again.
Yay!!! - I'm no longer a virgin!